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healing relationship therapy

Many of our therapists, counselors, and student interns are trained and/or specialized in sex therapy, sexual harm, distressing sexual behavior (often realized as shame), and erotic marginalization. We offer ethical and affirming care for people of various relational structures, sexual identities, orientations, expressions, and practices. 


As ethical and affirming providers of sex therapy, we emphasize several ethical principles. Consent, autonomy, and respect for persons are just a few. We honor every client and relationship journey and meet each of them where they are ... just as they are.


We consistently integrate a neuro- and sex- affirming, trauma-informed/trained lens into our work. A framework we adhere to is an adaptation of a model called PLISSIT (Annon, 1976). 



sex therapy texas
  • Sexual identity development

  • Shame-free sex education

  • Support for erotically marginalized individuals & partnerships

  • LGBTQIA+ Support 

  • Kink/BDSM dynamics

  • Connection & Intimacy

  • Communication

  • Navigating sex + cancer and other health concerns

  • Desire discrepancy

  • Sexual harm / trauma

  • Sexual differences (i.e., 'dysfunction')

  • "Performance' anxiety

  • Distressing solo sexual behavior (for self)

  • Sexual empowerment 

  • Deconstruction of shame around sex

  • 'Female pleasure denial'

  • Sex + Disability

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